YOUR BEST SECOND HALF is a practical actionable and enjoyable guide, written for men to live more of the life they want in the second half. In a few steps you will articulate how you want your second half to be and have a clear action plan to achieve it. No woo woo self help or impenetrable soul searching needed, just pen and paper, determination and courage.
Actionable * Enjoyable * Effective

Why should you believe what I have to say? Three aspects of my life make me uniquely qualified to write this book.
a) A 35+ year career in Marketing and Coaching, equipping me with a deep curiosity in people and skills in behaviour change. The core of coaching is enabling people to achieve their goals, through changes in their mindset and behaviours. I have done circa 2000 hours of coaching so far, and still going strong.
b) Nature + Nurture. Both of my parents faced significant adversity. This forged in them a great determination, and additionally in my mother a great capacity for love. Through their genes and their upbringing of me, I learnt the power of determination and love.
c) I am a 'Life's second half man', living the journey, facing the challenges - myself, my friends, many of my clients. The world is flooded with 'self-help' books, yet none of them that I have seen are written from the perspective of a mature man, for mature men.
I believe that life is not a test, it is a non-stop opportunity to learn. When we live with this mindset, we try out new things, we grow in confidence, and we shine positive energy for ourselves and those around us.